Sunday morning, how beautiful it is to be alive

Good morning to the world, good morning to every human being on this planet, the one I know and the one I don’t; the one that are happy and the one that are struggling; remember even when you feel there is no reason to be happy, deep inside we always have, we always must find  a reason to be grateful for, even in the most difficult situations, we are being tested and how soon and strong we raise from something that might seem unbearable, this is how we grow and become a better person. 

I truly believe we should be grateful for having been tested, because it is all part of one life a precious gift that we were given from the moment of birth and that so very often we seem to forget to acknowledge.

I know some might say it is easy said than done, or maybe you are even thinking what the hell is she talking about, yet it is true, and  I know it because so many times I found myself in the same situation and I truly believe saying thank you is the key to everything.

I am a skeptical person by nature, I don’t believe most of the stuff they sell over the internet when it comes to make money fast and easily, I do not believe in statements people say or do just because they seem honest or they are famous; at the end of the day we are all , and I mean all the same, human beings, with feelings, emotions, hopes, dreams, expectations and faults.

Some might have more money than others, some might have fame or a bigger home, or a different upbringing than others yet we still are and always will be human beings. 

I don’t care if you are the President of the United States, or John Doe from around the corner, we still have the same two eyes, a brain, two legs and one heart. The trick is are we able to remember this or not?

I guess some might struggle with remembering that they are no better than others, but even then, it is just another lesson that they need to learn, maybe in this life or maybe in another, that I do not know, but if each one of us would make an effort and live their life holding that thought in their mind I guess we might even have a chance of having a better world….

I know , I know, it is utopia and impossible….but you know what? It is impossible if you think it is impossible ….but if you think it can happen keep that vision in your mind and it will be.

A couple of years ago I was going thru a phase of my life where everything seemed to go wrong, I became sad, frustrated, maybe even a little depressed and felt like there was no way out.

On top of everything my husband had gone to work abroad because the job situation where we were was very difficult, so I found myself alone with the two kids and I guess I fell a little in that trap where you really can feel sorry for yourself and be miserable.

Now , one premise I have to make is that my other half is and has always been the epitome of positiveness and peacefulness.

I used to get angry at him sometimes for being so chilled and never worried about a thing. Yet he has always helped me in keeping my sanity by reminding me that everything can be fixed no matter what.

So going back to my story, at the moment when I thought i was really depressed, I picked up a little diary/book that I had been given as a present: The Power of Gratitude. 

It is sort of a little diary with small quotes at the bottom of each page right and left and the rest you are supposed to just write all the thing that you are grateful for.

On the right side of the book you  write the things you have , or have had in your life that you should be grateful for and on the left side of the diary you write thank you for the things you  “want” in your life but you must say thank you  in advance and truly feel like you already have them. 

Now I know to some it might sound a bit far-fetched, or silly or maybe that I am quite disillusioned…..but believe me when I say there is not a skeptical person that can truly be doubtful …like myself. I believe  or I should say I used to feel like in order to believe I had to see it.

Nevertheless I was so miserable that I actually felt I had nothing to lose by starting to write thank you .

Thank you for my life, my eyes, my health, my children, all the help I had received throughout my life, and on the opposite side of the diary I started to write thank you for all the things I wanted in my life, but I was writing these things and  I truly felt I was saying thank you as everything was already part of my reality.


And it happened. Out of maybe 15 things I had in my list 11 have become a reality …the others…I always say …they are on their way to me.

I would not believe it if I hadn´t written it down and the truth is the only reason I believe it is because few years down the line I was able to read that diary again and even surprise myself cause i had not realized how many of those things that I had written down, almost as a game, had become part of my reality.

So once, again, thank you, thank you is the key word to a life of peace, harmony and fulfillment.

May you all have a blessed today.


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